

A Crisis in the Treatment of Osteoporosis can be Turned Around with a Paradigm Shift

According to an editorial by Drs. Khosla and Shane in the August 2016 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, there is A Crisis in the Treatment of Osteoporosis.(1) I totally agree...but my call to action is different.

The point of the editorial is that even with all the “remarkable advances in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis…many patients, even those who unequivocally need treatment, are either not being prescribed osteoporosis medications at all, or when prescribed, refuse to take them.” Khosla and Shane point out that this paradox has been brewing for some time, but the issue was brought to a head in a recent article by Gina Kolata in the New York Times titled, Fearing Rare Side Effects, Millions Take Their Chances with Osteoporosis. Coincident with media and public concern about side effects such as osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), atrial fibrillation, and atypical femur fractures from osteoporosis medications, Kolata found bisphosphonate use declined by greater than 50% from 2008 to 2012. The pattern was confirmed by another recent study that used claims data from a U.S. commercial health plan. Those authors found that "among 22,598 patients with hip fractures, use of bisphosphonates decreased from an already dismal 15% in 2004 to an abysmal 3% in the last quarter of 2013." The editorial also notes that the scope of the problem may be worse because the underlying studies did not evaluate patient compliance. “…Most of us in practice have observed that a significant proportion of the patients we see clinically are reluctant to initiate bisphosphonate therapy and many on these drugs want to stop taking them and do so despite our best advice." Khosla and Shane are saddened (and rightly so) because they feel that the medical community has "failed our patients, and that is something we cannot allow to happen." Their call to action is to find ways to ensure that patients who need them are prescribed effective medications and equipped to make informed choices on taking these drugs.

I have dedicated my life to helping others with osteoporosis for the past 15 years and I feel the same sadness. Sad because a diagnosis of osteoporosis just does not have to lead to devastating life-altering consequences of chronic pain, loss of mobility, and the all-to-often "death-spiral" following a hip fracture. It just does not have to be this way.

I am particularly saddened because we (as doctors) have failed our patients by:
  • Pushing medications with potential serious side-effects and not "working with the body" to normalize physiology. We have turned people completely away from approaching osteoporosis treatment in a sane, effective, none-harmful manner. Many of these patients have become afraid of osteoporosis medications. So afraid that they will not use them even as emergency treatment. 
  • Not offering them a "balanced" treatment option. Medications are not inherently "bad" or necessarily harmful...if they are used properly. There are two issues here: (1) the unfortunate practice of prescribing them to patients who don't really need them and/or keeping patients on them for too long; and (2) little or no emphasis on normalizing the bone remodeling process naturally by encouraging a reduction in overly aggressive osteoclastic bone resorption and a boost to osteoblastic bone formation. This, can usually be accomplished through improved diet, exercise, and specific vitamins, herbs and nutritional compounds such as those found in our OsteoNaturals products.
  • Allowing the confusion and fear that media sensationalism causes in our patients to dictate their health care choices. Yes, osteoporosis drugs can cause serious adverse effects and too much supplemental calcium is not good for you but that does NOT mean that a person should never take medications and that does NOT mean that supplemental calcium should not be taken. EVERYONE with osteoporosis NEEDS to take at least 600 mg of calcium/day and there are SOME people that NEED to use osteoporosis medications at least for a short time.

I think the call to action should be to change the medical model for the treatment of osteoporosis. Drugs...and only drugs (ok...also some vitamin D) defines the current model for too many doctors. It is certainly true, osteoporosis medications CAN be helpful, but they should NOT be the primary emphasis of treatment except when the patient is in a situation of impending fracture. Then and only then can we look at medications as the primary short-term EMERGENCY or TRIAGE treatment. But our real effort, even in these situations, is to find a way to slowly change the biochemistry, change the way the patient’s body is functioning, and help promote healthy bone remodeling.

(1)  Khosla, S. and Shane, E. 2016 Editorial: A Crisis in the Treatment of Osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 31(8):1485-1487.
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Basic Preparation For Martial Arts And MMA Training Atlanta Sessions

By John Wright

Many people take time before resolving to engage in martial arts. They have varying motivation for their engagements. Many join from interests inspired by legends in the crafts. Others join for spiritual reasons and cultural purposes. Goal setting is important when committing to such practice. They aid in keeping the trainee focused. Note that objectives morph over time. This article highlights some of the basic preparation tips for beginners in martial arts and MMA training Atlanta, GA classes.

Physical fitness is important for the practice. The practice involves physical engagement of the body. It is therefore mandatory that one is physically fit. Engage in cardiovascular exercise before the sessions begin. Running jogging and cycling are some of the examples of good cardio practices to engage. Individuals who are overweight and others who are unfit could benefit from these. Manageable weights play a significant role in ensuring that one trains efficiently and effectively.

It is also important to stretch when prepping for combative exercises. Stretching increases flexibility. In this regard, one is unlikely to incur injuries. Also, one is also able to recover quickly from any injuries. Stretching is a must for beginners and other experts throughout the practice. Get involved in stretching exercises such as yoga and other western and regular stretching techniques to prevent fatigue and increase muscle flexibility.

Mental fitness is also a crucial part of the practice. It is important that one is mentally fit to be able to handle the demands of the practice. To ensure mental readiness, one must ensure that they have sufficient rest, and mental workout. There are online videos on what to expect from the practice. Watching these videos and other tutorials of professionals training can set one up well for mental fitness.

Choose one craft to specialize. There is a variety available. The Asian and South American crafts are available. They include judo, kickboxing, karate, and Jujitsu. Other Western and Middle Eastern crafts are also available. Choosing a niche will help you focus better.

Find a legitimate trainer or school to enroll in. The school must have a valid operation license, accreditation, certifications and endorsements by the relevant authorities. Find testimonials and run background checks on the individuals offering the exercises. If need be, find organizations or bodies that can corroborate the information provided. Consult previous trainees and take notes to compare the different centers available.

Join movements and groups of individuals in your particular specialty. Martial arts workouts are a personal journey involving a myriad of challenges. It is important to have a support group. The process towards professionalism is physically and emotionally taxing. Many quit along the way. Find a forum

Martial art drills are good for mental and physical health. It is important to have the physical fitness and mental structure to pursue the art. In the same way, a person should identify the best trainer in the specialty area of interest. Frequent and proper stretching helps minimize injuries.

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Accurate Information And Insights You Need To Know When Picking Martial Arts And Karate Atlanta Studios

By Sharon Myers

Hobbies are an excellent way to pass free time. Some opt to do some writing, reading and even engage in sports. One popular sport is martial arts. Here is what one ought to know when it comes to picking the finest dojo to train and perfect their skills at. Here is a suitable read for anyone interested in learning useful information about martial arts and karate Atlanta.

Finding the right school to enroll in is never a simple task. It calls for the individual to be patient and to be smart. The city of Atlanta, Georgia plays host to a vast number of both new and upcoming institutions. A good majority of them claims to be number one when it comes to offering superior services to their students. It becomes a bit problematic for the interested person to know for a fact which is the best option for them all.

Personal referrals are renowned for working wonders when it comes to the endeavor of finding a decent school. Getting recommendations from family, friends, and neighbors and from colleagues rarely disappoints. These individuals ought to be in a much better position to enlighten newbies on the standards of the particular academy. They will give you a heads-up on the prevailing rates and prices as well.

Karate is not something that one learns just like that. One does not get acquainted with the fundamentals and the basics just by watching a couple of Chinese flicks. No, one needs to attend a formal school and get trained by a master of all the moves and techniques involved. If you are not keen and observant, there is an excellent chance that you will end up enrolling in a shoddy institution. Such kinds of places are most likely going to end up doing more harm than good to the customer. Avoid them at all costs.

A quality karate academy ought to have an undisputable reputation. Their impressive track record is enough to prove to the people of Atlanta that they are indeed in a superior class of their own. The great schools are well-known and easily recognizable by all. They are often having numerous branches spread out all across the nation. Work with them and you will never be disappointed.

It is important to remember that no two schools will be found teaching the same techniques and styles. No, each institution has their way of doing things. Some pay emphasis on sparring while others are mo concerned with introducing their students on how to use various weapons. What better way to learn about the deals and offers up for grabs in the different establishments than by paying them a visit.

Familiarize yourself with how to use the Internet for researching purposes. An Internet savvy person is going to make better strides than the one who is not conversant with researching. Ask someone to help you to pick out a top school online. Use your best judgment and discretion and in a little time, you will find a great academy to train at.

To become a success story, it is imperative one learns how to be tolerant and persistent. The practice requires a person who never gives up. They ought to have a strong will and a sincere determination to overcome all the hurdles and challenges therein. In addition to training, one needs to make use of other resource materials as well. Materials like video tutorials and meditation books are very helpful.

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The Best Karate And MMA Training Atlanta

By Jeffrey Russell

Martial arts are important to all people. Just like any sport, they have their own rules, restraints, regulations and discipline. People become physically fit while practicing. People should know that this is not an art of violence. Professional Karate and MMA Training Atlanta are important. Trainees will become more confident. They also have higher esteem levels.

Exercise is one of the main reasons of taking their kids to these classes. As they participate in these sessions, they become more active in other issues. They are able to participate in other activities without getting tired. A fit individual has good body and brain functions. The nation has many people with obesity. Children are usually very unfit. Going for martial training contributes to a healthy life.

This form of exercise builds the confidence levels of an individual. The arts are perfect ways of boosting confidence in children. When one practices skills and advances in his training, he will be proud of his achievements. It helps someone to become humble. Many times, stronger peers perform better than them. With time, a kid gains confidence and also respect for other people.

In these classes, breathing techniques are necessary. They help in the physical and emotional growth of an individual. Everybody in the city of Atlanta, GA should know the right breathing techniques. Those involved in these sports benefit a lot. After a period of time in training, these kids learn ways of relaxing and breathing under pressure. There is no distraction as the trainee works. It makes them to pay attention even in other situations.

At a young stage, kids learn how to handle failures. They face many blows in time of practice. At such points, they normally get up and proceed on. This is a positive attribute in individual life. The person will later face many hits. He will recover easily. Resilience will be the final benefit. Trainees should sleep well, eat well and train right.

Self-defense is important when an individual is attacked. Training in martial arts helps a child to gain this skill. If need arises, one should have the right energy and skills of defending themselves from attackers. Actually, this sporting activity is a manly hobby. Many men get into depression because of lacking masculine properties. Fighting in controlled environments is the best hobby that promotes strength, courage and will.

Individuals do not like to be associated with violence. They should however become physical. It reduces the high stress levels. A tired, sore and very sweaty has little room left for stress. As people train, they eventually interact and become friends with individuals in their team. They normally have similar characters. They are very brave. Together, they can face enemies.

As a child grows, he will be amazed at how social people are. This depends on where and what they train. More aggressive arts tend to attract different groups compared to softer arts. Trying different arts will enable one to discover the right one for him. A martial art transforms individuals to a great extent. The mindset of an individual changes someone completely.

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